There have been rumor lately about investment platform parading itself as Opay. They use WhatsApp and Telegram has their abode, they say they will give 100% on investment. Please run from this my dear brother and sister, Opay do not use WhatsApp neither Telegram as their platform.
Opay has an investment platform which is Opay app, there you can make payment, buy credit, make transfer, take loan and then invest.
Do you want to know more about there investment, read on
Deferent types of Opay investment
With Opay investment you can earn as much as 20% and as low as 8% interest rate. Below are the deferent investment Opay offers
The first on our list of Opay investment is Owealth, here you will get 15% on the money you save with opay and you can withdraw your money anytime, the interest rate on your money accrue every day
For instance, if you save #100,000 you will get #115, 000 per year, #1,232 per month, #287 per week.
Fixed saving
Here, you can save your money for a duration of 7 to 1000 days. The interest rate on this type of saving is 20% but once you set your target day you can not withdraw it again, the interest rate also accrue per day.
For instance if you save #100,000 for a year which is 365 days your interest will be divided by 365 days multiply by your capital
20%/365 * #100,000
=# 20,000 per year
#1643 per month
54.8 per day
383 per week.
Target saving
Target saving is like fixed saving, here you save towards a goal, for instance you might save toward purchasing a phone, once you reach the target you set you will withdraw your money.
You can either save money per weeks or per months according to your specification, but note that you can not withdraw the money until you reach the target.
The interest rate here is 17%. If you save #100,000 you will get #117,000 per annum
Safe box saving
This type of saving is automatically, which means once you set it, money will be automatically deducted from your bank account according to your specification.
You might set it to every day, every week or every month. You can also withdraw your money anytime and the interest rate is 15%.
If you save #100,000 for a month the amount you will receive per year is #115,000
Spend and save
This is another saving plan of Opay, here every time you spend, money will be deducted from your account and save automatically. This is it, you will set the amount you want to save anytime you are making payment or transaction. The app will deduct that amount automatically.
The interest rate in this saving is just 8% but you can withdraw your money anytime.
How to register on Opay
Before you can enjoy all this saving feature you need to download and register on Opay app
To do that head over to playstore and download opay app, you can do that through this link
After downloading, register with your details and login in to the dashboard
Locate and click on “Finance” on your dashboard
Next page will show “loan and Saving”
Click ” saving”. You will see all the saving plan listed above, chose the one you want and deposit your money.
How to add money to your saving plan on Opay and how to withdraw
To add money, you can do so with atm card or transfer to the opay app. To withdraw your saving plus interest, locate and click the saving plan you enroll for. You will see option to withdraw click it, immediately the amount will reflect on your Opay ( home dashboard).
If your saving plan is strict such that you can only withdraw when you reach the target, you won’t be able to withdraw until you reach the target or the day.
Other thing you can do with Opay app
Opay, is a mobile app, apart from saving your money on it and getting interest, you can also take loan, make payment, buy airtime with the app. The app is fast and efficient.
Is Opay investment legit
Yes Opay investment is legit, you can trust them. Opay is insure by NDIC and regulated by CBN.
NDIC is an insurance company that back money processing company.
Also Opay is own by a known company, it share parent with Operamini, a popular web browser in Nigeria. Ask about Opay from your friends and family you will surely see some one that will tell you about them.
What you need to know when investing
Good investment company will not promise you outrageous interest rate, imagine an investment company promising 99% return on investment, it is too much, no company can deliver that kind of money. Run from such company.
Investment app or company that does not have a physical location should be avoided, check their history and location if they are new you should not invest with them.
Do not invest with Company that is not under CBN or insured by NDIC. If investment goes south, it is these bodies that will fight for you so watch well before you invest your money.
Investment and business are the sure road that lead to rich in any where in the world, but when investing you need to open your eyes so that you won’t become impoverished through investing.
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